New insights into tip supporting structures. Consequences for nasal surgery
M Popko 1, E H Huizing 2, D J Menger 3, S A M W Verlinde-Schellekens 4, S Mackaaij 4, R L A W Bleys 4 PMID: 33152748 DOI: 10.4193/Rhin19.349
Background: Knowledge of tip supporting structures is crucial for successful rhinoplastic surgery. The aim of this study was to provide detailed anatomical and histological descriptions of the tip supporting structures.
Methods: Serial coronal sections of the entire external noses from seven cadavers were studied after staining by Mallory-Cason and Verhoeff-Van Gieson procedures.
Results and conclusions: We found no histological evidence of ligaments between the cartilaginous- and bony parts of the nasal skeleton, and between the skin and the nasal skeleton. Instead, we found a perichondrial-periosteal lining within the soft tissue envelope. The main tip supporting and shaping structures are: septal and lobular cartilages, premaxillae, and the soft tissue envelope including the periosteal-perichondrial envelope/membrane. These findings may have clinical relevance in functional and aesthetic rhinoplasties.

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